fufu yarn

BlueFlashGames - … spot the differences!  婚禮中,司儀為了活躍氣氛,讓新郎用三個字形容新娘的漂亮。  新郎起先說有氣質有魅力,司儀都說:太普通了沒新意。 新郎想了會憋出3個字:我硬了。 當時現場一片被酒水嗆到的咳嗽聲!Play the best spot the difference, photohunt, differences flash games! Compare images and train your brain! ... Did you promote BFG among your friends?...


The Thread Exchange, Inc.: Kevlar Invisible Black Yarn Resourceful magicians have discovered that they can use "invisible" black Kevlar thread to make almost anything float in mid-air. Kevlar thread starts life as a yarn that has many hair-thin filaments that are incredibly strong for their thickness. Separat...


The Thread Exchange, Inc.: Nomex Thread  昨天 17:52 上傳 下載附件 (33.74 KB)  每次看到海綿寶寶都覺得他的笑容實在是太詭異了。。。。。。。。。。。。仔細放大來看才發現 Filament Nomex thread is extremely heat resistant. It chars at 600 F ( 315 C ), begins to decompose at 700 ( 357 C ), and it does not melt. This makes Nomex a great thread for safety garments such as fire fighting gear, automobile racing suits, and flight...


Links to Various Thread Charts - Sew Teri-fic Designs - Machine Embroidery Designs & Custom DigNote: This is all the information I have on the availability of thread charts and thread conversion charts. I cannot help with enquiries about charts not shown here. If you have a link to an online machine embroidery thread color chart that is not listed ...
