fuji rumor

Fuji Rumors雖然秘密這個東西已經存在了很多年,但是人類的想像力並未有所突破,實際上那些古老而又容易被破解的,一遍又一遍的被地球人所使用著。下面這個榜單由SplashData 製作,它們手機了數百萬個被黑客公開的密碼,從中統計出來了一個人氣排行榜,來看看,裡面有沒有你所使用的。 同時SplashData 還對比了The first copies of the HS-V5 Tethered Shooting software are now available also at the Fuji Store in UK for £90. For customers who don’t have the HS-V5, “FUJIFILM Tether Shooting Plug-in” will be able to be purchased at Adobe Exchange site. “ Fuji’s Tethe...


Fuji X30, Fuji X-E3, Fuji X200 and Fuji X-Pro2 Rumors Update « NEW CAMERA現代社會日常生活接觸到的信息量與10年前簡直不能比,人腦的記憶力遠遠跟不上信息的爆炸式增長,因此我們總要依靠各式外物來協助記憶。可是大家常常會有這樣的經歷:第二天一起床,全然忘了昨天干了什麼(ONS中出即飛,隔天就忘不在咱們討論範圍內)、吃了什麼、碰見什麼人……我擦,誰能Based on past and recent fuji rumors published worldwide, Fuji will update all its major camera this year starting from June 2014. Fuji is planning to bring the successor of Fuji X20 camera with a big 1 inch sensor and advance core specification, X-30 exp...
