Fuji Superia 200 vs 400 - Photo.net Film and Processing Forum一個男人的告白:「要什麼男人總不喜歡宣揚感情狀態?因為我們很膚淺,需要被崇拜。」妳察覺到你們的關係起了變化,並不是從臉書訊息或半夜簡訊得來的,而是相處細節。 你們在一起很久了,久到妳把他在身邊當作是一種呼吸般自然,你們一起吃飯、一起逛超市、一起逛花市,也一起買了白色的被單,他怕髒,妳說常洗就好。你們Go with the Superia 400 by all means. Take a look at this old thread to see what actually happens when this film is treated as a 100 ISO film. A couple of additional things. I used to use quite a bit of this film in an old Olympus 35RC rangefinder. The me...