fuji x30 spec

Fuji X30 filter size? - X10, X20 and X30 Forum - Fuji X Forum 所以這是活的?Hi, I'd like to know what is the screw-on filter size for the Fuji X30. Has anyone bought a filter for the X30? I see it has filter threads, and can accept a lens hood (the hood has a filter size of 52mm). I wish it told me at the end of the lens, but it ...


Opinion: Do we really need the Fuji X30?: Digital Photography Review 我也要一台!!!With the camera industry moved on somewhat since the birth of the Fuji X series compact, is there still room for a 12-million-pixel compact in a less-than compact ... The X30 (left) positioned alongside its predecessor the X20. The two cameras share the s...


Should i buy the x20 or wait for the x30? - General Discussions on Fuji X Series Camera Forum - Fuji   這褲子哪裡買的!?If Fuji keep the X30 as a small sensor, fixed zoom compact, you can bet any improvement in IQ will be marginal, unless they're about to announce it as the test bed for radical new organic sensor technology, which I seriously doubt. The X-M1 is about the s...


Fuji X-E1 or X100s - General Discussions on Fuji X Series Camera Forum - Fujifilm X-Pro1 X-T1 X-E2 X 車子壞了沒關係!老兄,你也太悠閒了吧!!!Well I used a lot of lenses for Street in the past.... I jump from X100 to XP1+35mm f/1.4 which is 50mm, I'm very happy with, I had Leica and really like that's why I jump to XP1, but if you want keep things simple and don't think buy more lenses so X100s...


Camera: Fuji X-PRO2 | Mirrorless Rumors 這樣的拼圖!難度也太高了吧!!!Hybrid viewfinder lovers will be happy to hear that Fuji is likely going to announce a new X-PRO2 and X200 camera at Photokina in September. Both will feature a new APS-C X-Trans sensor. No guys, these will not be organic sensors (they will come in two ye...
