讓男人瘋狂愛上你的15個小技巧 誰看誰稱讚
Ron Martinsen's Photography Blog: COMPARISON: Fujifilm X20 vs X10 – Have I found my 2013 P&S of the 1.成為他的空氣 男人有時是更猶豫的,更孩子氣的,比女人更少有勇氣去承擔愛的。 他就像是那條在水里游來游去的魚,一直在高唱著“我要自由”的歌曲。所以你只有慢慢滲透他的生活裡,令他身在其中,舒適而不自覺,既無壓抑也無束縛,猶如水里的空氣。早晚有一天,他會發現,如果沒有了你,就Fujifilm X20 (also available in black) The Fujiflim x10 was my 2011 point and shoot camera of the year for a good reason. It blew away the competition at the time. What’s more, its EXR technology pulled off shots that even my best pro DSLR’s today couldn’...