Art Wallpapers, Wide Screen Full HD, Desktop Art Wallpapers, Computer Wallpapers, Backgrounds, Wallp給老婆的辭職報告好笑但卻又發人深省呀.....好文..... 親愛的芳芳BOSS: 我不幹了,我真的不幹了。 嚥完床底下私藏的最後一袋泡麵後,我終於咬著牙下定決心向你辭職。 在這個打狗都還要看主人的年代,我早已沒有了什麼立足之地。你的歡歡睡得很好,我為它鋪被疊床,將冰箱裡唯一的PC: Right click on image and 'Set as Background' or 'Set as Wallpaper' MAC OSX: Drag the image onto your desktop. Go to System Preferences. ... Tags: Fine Art Wallpapers, Photography, Art, Nature, Landscapes, Celebrity, Full HD, 1080p, Desktop Art ......