fun some nights中文歌詞

FUN. - SOME NIGHTS LYRICS原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 4月28~30號在台北市政府舉辦了一場台北動漫嘉年華 雖然舉辦了3天但是咲櫻只去了2天而已 不知道萌友有沒有去參加這場活動呢? 除了許多充滿豐富自創動漫作品的攤位,和厲害的coser外 還有很多很精采的動漫相關表演 就先來介紹一下這些表演團體吧   ▲AKI☆Fun. - Some Nights Lyrics. Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck Some nights I call it a draw Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle Some night...


Fun. - Some Nights Lyrics | MetroLyrics     話說,說到貝爺,大家估計已經很熟悉了。這個用胃征服全世界人們的男人,基本大自然所有的生物都可以成為他的食物...     不過,我們今天要說的是另一名男子,他也是野外生存的專家,不過不同的是,這人不像貝爺那樣以吃聞名...   如果說貝爺生Lyrics to 'Some Nights' by Fun.. Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck / Some nights, I call it a draw / Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a...


Fun - Some Nights lyrics |  國外一個好玩的網站,介紹了很多關於動物的冷門知識。幽默風趣,又積極向上,很多人從中得到了安慰。看看哪個戳中了你的心!                         5 explanations, 14 meanings to Some Nights lyrics by Fun: Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck, / Some nights, I call it a draw. ... "Some Nights" is a song by American indie rock band Fun. It was released on June 4, 2012, as the second single an...


SOME NIGHTS Lyrics - FUN - - Song Lyrics文/艾姬 當兩個獨立的個體要共同書寫愛情的習題,本來就不是件容易的事。感情生活的種種細節,有可能在忽視之中累積成難以化解的問題,終至覆水難收只得分離的結局。再親密的兩個人,也不見得一個眼神對方就懂妳的心,很多時候還是要靠雙方誠懇地溝通,才能調整到契合且愉悅的感情狀態。愛,是墜入的;愛情,卻是經營而來Fun Some Nights lyrics & video : Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck Some nights I call it a draw Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle Some nights I wi......
