funk music blogs

blog of funk - Funk : music, art, words, songs, podcasts, reviews在一個有眾多名流出席的晚會上,鬢髮斑白的巴基斯坦影壇老將"雷利"拄著枴杖,蹣跚地走上臺來就座。主持人開口問道:「您還經常去看醫生?」「是的,常去看。」「為什麼?」「因為病人必須常去看醫生,醫生才能活下去。」臺下爆發出熱烈的掌聲,人們為老人的樂觀精神和機智語言喝彩。主持人接著問:「您常請教醫院的藥師,Blessed be the funky. And the unfunky, they too shall be blessed. Just less funky. ... The old adage, “there’s nothing new in rock ‘n’ roll” must be one of the most over-used clichés in the world, being used to excuse, to denigrate, to explain and to dism...


Funky16Corners | I Popcorn For Fun And I\’m Second To None話說有兩個姊妹分別嫁人了!姊姊老是生女兒,但是妹妹都生兒子。再一次家庭聚會中,求子心切的姊姊偷偷把妹妹拉到一旁問:你為何都生兒子,能教我秘訣嗎?妹妹天生愛開玩笑,叫告訴姊姊:只要你跟姐夫嘿咻的時候,順便把那兩顆也塞進去就能生兒子了ㄚ!姊姊信以為真!當下決定回家試試看。當晚夫妻倆人嘿咻的時候,特別要求That’s right, We’re Moving!! Greetings all. This post is to notify you that the Funky16Corners Blog is moving. Due to a number of reasons, first and foremost being that WordPress seems to be on a tear in relation to MP3 blogs the Funky16Corners blog has r...


環球東洋音樂官方部落格 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::情人節那天妳問我哪裡對妳好,我一時想不起來,經過這兩天的思考,我終於想到如下這些我對妳好的地方:一、沒認識妳之前我拿獎學金,認識妳之後我考試補考。沒認識我之前妳補考,認識我之後妳拿獎學金。二、我忍著讓別人笑話的恥辱給妳洗衣服。三、一個蘋果,都給妳吃,兩個蘋果,我把大的給妳吃。四、同吃一條魚,我讓妳吃環球東洋音樂官方部落格 跳到主文 環球&上華東洋音樂最新消息都在這兒。歡迎您引用或串聯文章。 部落格全站分類:視聽娛樂...


Funky Frolic某天,爸爸帶了一台機器人回來這台機器人聽說很特別,有著會賞說謊的人一巴掌的機能。之後有天...我從放學以後回到家已經是很晚的時間了然後爸爸就這樣問我:「為什麼搞到這麼晚才回來?」我就回答:「因為今天學校有個課後輔導。」接著驚人的事情發生了,機器人突然起身,往我的臉頰上巴了一巴掌。爸爸說:「聽好,這個I thought I'd continue on with my work collating library music related mixes from around the web. First up we have Gafieira who is now going by the name "Ray Krebbs". He has put together a nice collection of music sourced from Marsellus Wallace's blog ent...


All Music - All Blogs國三時,我有一個坐我斜前方的同學,一直自稱自己反應速度很快,如同蟑螂逃命般的快。的確,他是運動全能型,打籃球時,常常靠他的爆發力跟反應速度,搧了不少火鍋跟抄了不少球,不過這不是重點。有時候東西不小心從桌上揮下來,他也可以很快的接住,然後跟我炫燿他的反應速度,然後自稱從沒有讓東西掉到地上過。他的座位的Welcome to All Music, All Blogs Who are you? We are what is called a 'music blog aggregator'. What does that do? We list as many quality music blogs as possible. Why would you do that? Well, we want to create the biggest online music blog library on the w...


Voodoo Funk校園裡正在推廣舉辦誠實運動。 小強:「大寶,如果撿到錢交給老師,怎麼獎勵啊?」 大寶:「拾金不昧,記嘉獎一次。」 小強:「那如果是撿到漫畫呢?」 大寶:「教官會相信是你撿到的嗎?交給我就好!」上課時,大寶偷看漫畫被老師發現了。 老師:「大寶,你在幹什麼?」 大寶:「報告老師,我…&heThese people just love bootlegging African artists who to these clueless amateurs seem obscure and unknown enough to think they can get away with just stealing their music while having the chuzpe of trying to manufacture some sort of fake ethno honkie ima...
