funk music characteristics

Funk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一開始是丈母娘應女兒的要求,拍了一張跳躍的照片,但是感覺效果不好,於是女婿就把照片放在網路上請網友幫他修改照片 原本照片是這樣的     經過網友的各種創意惡搞後,照片就變成以下這樣了...  Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid to late 1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and R&B. Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythm...


Electro (music) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia今天在網路上逛的時候 無意看到這張圖~~~~我只能說 小孩真是奇妙啊XDDD 想跟她做朋友XDDDD 但不想當她的老師哈哈哈ㄏ Electro (short for either electro-funk, or electro-boogie)[2][3] is a genre of electronic dance music and early hip hop directly influenced by the use of TR-808 drum machines,[4][5] and funk sampling.[6][7] Records in the genre typically feature drum mach...


What Are the Characteristics of Soul Music? | eHow  曾經日本最紅的「混血性感女神」莉亞‧迪桑 (リア・ディゾン) ,莉亞(Leah Dizon)於2006年進軍日本,隔年立刻竄紅,人氣暴漲,不只打敗多位當地女星稱霸市場,也成為粉絲心中NO.1混血女神。2008年事業如日中天之際,莉亞突然奉子成婚,讓人錯愕,但令人更傻眼的是莉亞於2010More Like This Characteristics of Funk Music About R&B Music Calypso Music Facts You May Also Like Facts About Soul Music Facts About Soul Music. Soul music emerged in the late 1950s and remained popular through the 1970s, ... What Are the ......


Characteristics of Blues Music (with Pictures) | eHow有網友表示:「公車裡面的這些女人太討厭了」 XDDD   要是長髮美眉在你前面這樣做...你怎麼辦? 於是有了很多網友回覆~ 我想扯下她們的頭髮讀書的時候我用剪刀把垂在桌子上的女人的頭髮剪掉了這樣就可以隨便地湊過去吸了吧我的話就給她粘上口香糖要是我的話就把那頭髮夾到窗戶玻璃這是等於在說隨便Blues is the music that launched a thousand garage bands. Providing musicians with a shorthand vocabulary, the form takes a standard collection of instruments and gives accessible form to both music and lyrics. Its simple and easily learned elements are a...


SOUL OF SYDNEY: Dancing In The KEY of LIFE | Pushin' 'THE FUNK' & ‘SOUL’ in all its forms | Funk Sou這是國中生.....   這是高中生........ 這是大學生....... 這是接線生..... 這是小護士.... 這是俏女警 全日本都在走制服風,不巧...剛剛聽到日本也有"活到老學到老的文化"那下面當然也是制服風啦.............高中補校生.......  ABOUT SOUL OF SYDNEY COLLECTIVE & MUSIC EVENTS SOUL OF SYDNEY: are an independent, grassroots artist run cooperative bonded by a love of ‘FUNK’ and ‘SOUL’ based music in all its forms, a creative family of DJ’s, Musicians, Producers, Dancers ......


Funk Firm Funk Vector review | What Hi-Fi? 挨板子一個美國人、一個日本人、一個中國人在叢林探險,結果全被吃人部落抓去了。部落酋長說:「我今天心情好,不吃你們,但你們都得挨一百板子,但在挨板子前,你們可以有一個願望實現。」先挨板子的是美國人,他說:「挨板子前,先給我屁股上墊10個坐墊。」墊罷,板子如雨點般落下,先前70板還湊合,70板之後,坐Funk Firm Funk Vector review from the experts at What Hi-Fi? - compare latest prices, see user reviews, and see Funk Vector specs and features. ... Arguably the best-sounding sub-£1000 turntable there is – the Funk Vector is an oddly shaped minimalist ......
