funny time with trynda

Tryndamere vs Dr Mundo - League of Legends Community  後台回復「 設計說 」 日站君會為您推送一條設計物語 365天,365句經典,每天只更新一次哦   來源 國際4A廣告  微信號 i4AADS   廣告已經無處不在, 從街頭公交到馬路, 再到商場電梯, 無孔不入。 而設計師也顯然已經玩得樂在其中了, 腦洞The problem is if you ignore trynda and attack over guys the trynda will faceroll 3 guys on your team. For the counter you guys always scream: exhaust never holds up the whole 6 sec and even if you exhaust him a good trynda has cleanse to use his ulty ful...


Angry German Kid plays League of Legends - YouTube後台回復「 設計說」 日站君會為您推送一條設計物語 365天,365句經典,每天只更新一次哦   回想當年學生時期,死記硬背了一大堆的歷史事件年份,但現在除了一些基本常識,其他的大部分都交還給歷史老師了。   設計師Levan Patsinashvili 和 David BabiThis is something that missed for League of Legends for a long time! Note : Everyone knows that the subtitles are fake and that the original video is about Unreal Tournament. You are a fucking dumbass for thinking you are clever for pointing it out....


In memory of AP Yi...... - YouTube 話說,在推特上有一個叫 Thomas Roma in的網友,這哥們是一個居住在日本的法國插畫師,他平時的工作,是為設計各種漫畫形象,他曾經參與過很多部動漫的製作,在圈內小有名氣。       這哥們還有一個身份——兩個孩子的爹。可能是生活環境的Master yi's rework is coming soon, so no more AP Yi. We will all miss you AP yi, R.I.P in Peace. And goodbye pizza feet. My twitter: Play League of Legends for free today at: Song: Sad P...


Master Tier GAREN - - best TOP tank ever! Garenteed (preseason masteries) - Garen今天要說的,是這個名叫Peggy Hilbert的女人...猜猜她幾歲?     Peggy生活在美國的佛羅里達州,她的職業是健身教練和健美操導師。大多數人第一眼看到她的身材和外貌,都猜不出她的真實年齡...   而當Peggy報出自己的實際年齡的時候,幾乎所有人都會驚Create & discover new Champion builds/strategies, check your Summoner statistics and try our powerful LoL charts. ... E is garens primary spell, deals big AoE dmg and have criticaly strike bonus :), Q is second, good dmg, increased bonus speed for a while...


Aatrox, Fight and be remembered as a hero (Get diamond as Aatrox)(Patch 5.3) - Aatrox - Guide for Le 今天這個故事,和一位二戰老兵的妻子有關。 照片中這位慈祥的老太太名叫Peggy Harris,她獨自一人住在美國德克薩斯州,沒有老伴,也沒有子女。   周圍的鄰居都覺得,她是個很好相處的老人,只是常常獨自望着遠方出神,仿佛在期待着什麼。 其實,她一直在等待自己的丈夫從戰場歸來&helliCreate & discover new Champion builds/strategies, check your Summoner statistics and try our powerful LoL charts. ... Guinsoo Rageblade : Well this item is straight up broken atm, abuse it while you can. - Situational Just learn to watch your opponents an...


Tales of Valoran - Tales of Valoran 055本文由萌孩控授權轉載:每日傳授育兒經驗、教養智慧、營養美食!做一名合格的辣媽酷爸、從關注萌孩控開始!微信號:menghaikong    文丨公子逸 出品丨公子逸曰(gongziyi2014)   0 1   我媽給我講過一個發生在我們村的真實的故事。 &nbAfter thses words , the building begin to tremble on himself , as time passes , the building begin to collapse on himself . A few moments later , the wall of the jail explode , revealling multiple men looking as mercenaries and a mysterious hooded being ....
