Tryndamere vs Dr Mundo - League of Legends Community 後台回復「 設計說 」 日站君會為您推送一條設計物語 365天,365句經典,每天只更新一次哦 來源 國際4A廣告 微信號 i4AADS 廣告已經無處不在, 從街頭公交到馬路, 再到商場電梯, 無孔不入。 而設計師也顯然已經玩得樂在其中了, 腦洞The problem is if you ignore trynda and attack over guys the trynda will faceroll 3 guys on your team. For the counter you guys always scream: exhaust never holds up the whole 6 sec and even if you exhaust him a good trynda has cleanse to use his ulty ful...