IT Conference | Service Management Conference | FUSION 15原本男生的安慰很催情,也很催淚 結果講著講著竟然是這樣的結果, 應該沒有女生不崩潰的吧XD 不要在情緒醞釀的興頭上,突然澆上一大盆冷水呀! --------------------------------- 靠北男友原文: 我跟男友是遠距離戀愛.. 我們現在在不同國家讀書,好幾個月才能見一次面,怕太Only FUSION 15 can bring together the greatest minds to facilitate a total immersion into today’s most relevant service management topics. ... Roar into the Modern Age of Service Management Jointly hosted by industry icons itSMF USA and HDI, only FUSION 1...