IT Conference | Service Management Conference | FUSION 15 ▲正妹自製娃娃機,居然廢到讓人捧腹大笑?!(sourse : youtube) 玩夾娃娃機應該是大家都有的共同回憶吧?雖然一次只要10元,但是根本超難夾起來啊!根據youtube分享,外國一名女網友就嘗試在家自己製作夾娃娃機,雖然並不是非常完美,但試玩的過程卻充滿爆笑。 女Only FUSION 15 can bring together the greatest minds to facilitate a total immersion into today’s most relevant service management topics. ... Roar into the Modern Age of Service Management Jointly hosted by industry icons itSMF USA and HDI, only FUSION 1...