Fireworks FW5 Rookie - RC Gliders - DLG F3K Hand Launch一位女老師感人故事 值班的時候被叫起來導尿,在加護病房是一件稀鬆平常的事情,但這次卻是個女患者,「女病患尿不都是由護士負責的嗎?」我問。 抱歉,賴醫師,她的很難導,要麻煩你一下。」護士滿臉歉意地說。 於是,我步入病房,床上躺著一位清秀的女病患,The Rookie is the latest version of the acclaimed PCM Fireworks 5. The wing is from the same mold as the contest-proven Fireworks 5 Flow, but the fuselage has been shortened to improve handling, and the tails simplified to save cost. The result is a ......