fx nu abo舞蹈教學

f(x)(에프엑스)- NU ABO (Dance Cover) - YouTubehttp://instagram.com/zaizai_das This dance is waaayyy fun! ahahah When I first saw it, i was like...why is it so weird...but it's actually a very good dance and WORKOUT. f(x) is definitely one of my favourite girl groups at the moment. Not 100% accurate.....


f(x) - Nu Abo mirror dance fancam - YouTube50+ videos Play all Play now Mix - f(x) - Nu Abo mirror dance fancam by YouTube f(x) - NU ABO [LIVE] - Duration: 3:56. by ancient208 620,243 views 3:56 Play next Play now F(x) - Nu ABO Dance Version MIRROR - Duration: 3:45. by ncoleey lu 127,723 views...


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f(x) (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn January 2010, f(x) collaborated with Chinese boy band M.I.C. to promote the LG Cyon cellphone. They released a Chinese cover of "Lollipop", written by Julius Dixson and Beverly Ross, on January 2. Subsequently, their first extended play, Nu ABO, was re...


Shilo老師MV教學/ f(x) NU ABO - YouTube2010年10月13日 - 4 分鐘 - 上傳者:jimmy dance studio Shilo老師MV教學/ f(x) NU ABO. jimmy dance studio ... 是呀~[不要不要]的舞蹈老师 之一~ 还有是 ......
