Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions: Gerald G. May: 978006112243修女的假期 四個年輕的修女在星期五央求神父,讓她們有個週末的假期,她們花了好長時間,好不容易才說服了神父,但神父要求她們在星期一的早上要誠實的告訴他,她們如何渡過這個週末假期.到了星期一的上午,四個修女回來並輪流向神父報告...第一個修女對神父說:原諒我,神父,我有罪....神父問她:妳做The deepest human longing, suggests the author of Will and Spirit ( LJ 2/1/83)a psychiatrist and spiritual directoris to be in loving relationship with God and others, but our freedom to do so is compromised by a multitude of addictions (to security or fa...