誰說夏天才能有音樂祭!秋天也要音樂 high 不停 10 大秋季音樂祭必備!
G-DRIVE® slim - 500 GB Portable Hard Drive| G-Technology過了熱熱鬧鬧的七、八月暑假,大大小小的音樂祭想必大家也都去朝聖過了,但有沒有人和小編一樣是「No music no life」,二十四小時都想泡在音樂裡啊~?來來來,誰說只有夏天才能有音樂祭呢~在秋高氣爽的10月份,原本只辦在南台灣墾丁的「春浪音樂節」要搬家到台北來了!! 過去的九年裡,每到四月份的It's still easier to carry 500 GB across town than it is to send it online. This portable hard drive helps you get your data where you need it. Learn more. ... The G-DRIVE slim is the ultra-slim, ultra-stylish portable solution for videos, photos, music a...