初秋微涼 女裝秋季提案 LEVI’S® 首推必備超彈力丹寧 Legging
{E}vermotion - 3D models, textures, tutorials, architecture, 3D graphic, vray, 3ds max 時序入秋,清晨微涼的氣溫、乾枯的落葉標識著秋天的到來。進入新的季度,丹寧領導品牌LEVI’S®以品牌起源地─自然景象豐富多變的加州最美山林優勝美地(Yosemite National Park)做為靈感來源,以略帶波西米亞及回歸自然的風格貫穿女裝秋季系列服飾。同時,順應近年興起的outdoor風潮3D models, textures, tutorials, architecture, 3d, computer graphic, digital art, vray render ... The data administrator is Evermotion SC, ul. Przędzalniana 8, 15-688 Bialystok. Personal data shall be processed for promotional purposes by the newsletter....