Amazon.com : Dragon Touch A1X Plus 10.1" Quad Core Tablet PC Google Android 4.4.2 KitKat, 1GB RAM, 1 (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 《貓和老鼠》也算是陪伴我們很多年的童年回憶了,永遠捉不到老師湯姆,永遠被主人責備的湯姆,永遠都能化險為夷的傑瑞,當然也是偶爾會犯迷糊的傑瑞。那除了動畫片,在現實生活中,也有貓和老鼠,現實版會給我們上演怎樣的故事呢? 影片中貓已經在老鼠的附近了,按照一般This is the first review I've done,so I really hope it helps someone.I know 5 stars might seem like alot for a lower budget tablet. But due do living off under $800 a month (not complaining) you make do. And after owning the R70 dragontouch 7" where I wou...