Canon PowerShot G15 vs G1 X Comparison - High End Compact Cameras 翻拍自yt 欸欸欸,男人的眼光是怎麼回事,好壞啊! 文章整理 他買了一個「超噁心魚肉便當」,大家都叫他不要吃!沒想到他撥開魚肉吃下去後,「他的反應」震驚眾人! 女性最不在乎被男人看到的「私密部位」,「第一名」讓男人都驚呼了!怎麼可能!&nbsThe above image will give you a good look at the size differences between various sensors. At the left side in red you can see the Canon PowerShot G15 sensor, second left you can see the Olympus Micro Four Thirds sensor, third from the left is the G1 X 1....