Intel Pentium G3258 Processor Review - Overclocking Quest For 5GHz - Legit ReviewsIntel Pentium G325這年頭化妝把自己畫得美美的已經不是啥新鮮事了, 在外國一位化妝師Stephanie Fernendez反其道而行,大走獵奇風,怎麼樣就是要把自己妝的恐怖詭異! 每次進行這樣的彩繪幾乎要花上四到六小時,但她樂此不彼,造型一個接著一個來,妝容一個比一個搞怪, 原本的正妹大反差成了搞怪妹,來看看她如何大玩Intel Pentium G3258 CPU – Budget Overclocker of the Year? The Intel Pentium G3258 20th Anniversary Edition processor was released to the channel this week and Legit Reviews and we have been waiting for weeks to pick this processor up. Why have we been hig...