
Windows Gadgets - download or upload Windows Gadgets for your Desktop SidebarVista / Windows 7 Gadgets - download the latest new Gadgets for your desktop Sidebar, get your widgets now or upload your own ... Gadgets or as some name it Widgets are small programs running on your Windows Desktop, like on the new Microsoft Vista ......


小工具已經停用 - Microsoft WindowsWeatherBug、測速器和翻譯機之類的小工具已經由內建的應用程式或是 Windows 市集所提供的應用程式取代。 ... 我們的網站不再提供小工具,因為 Windows 7 和 Windows Vista 中的 Windows 資訊看板平台有嚴重安全漏洞。 Microsoft 已經在新版的 Windows 中 ......


Gadgets & Widgets for Windows - Free downloads and reviews - CNET Download.comThe most downloaded Gadgets & Widgets software, including Core Temp Gadget, 7 Sticky Notes, and Sticky Notes ... Know the exact size and position of any element with this ......


How to Download Gadgets in Windows 7 | eHowGadgets in Windows 7 allow you to download customizable information on your desktop, such as pictures, weather, news, music and games. Previously in Windows Vista, gadgets were lined up along the right-hand side of the screen. In Windows 7, you can put th...


Money18「股靈通」安裝指南與使用簡介為了讓讀者隨時關注到港股及認股證的最新走勢;投資市場上的最新資訊, 東網 特別提供一項嶄新的 東網Money18「股靈通」投資工具下載服務,用以結合微軟最新操作系統的小工具(Gadget),為你即時送上港股及認股證報價。...
