Samsung Gear 2 Neo - Everything you need to know | Android Central (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 1、白鬍子 對應人物:白眉鷹王殷天正 理由:一個白眉毛,一個白鬍子,外貌上就相似了幾分。殷天正是金庸書中我比較敬重的一個人物,他光明磊落,剛正不阿,不光在魔教中很有威望,連正派人士對他也是敬畏有加,這點和白鬍子在海賊世界中的聲望很像。論武功,白眉鷹王也是倚天屠龍記中的Gear Fit, Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo also going on general sale today Today is the day. Samsung Galaxy S5 day. After weeks of waiting, pre-orders from various carriers and retailers across the world, today you can just head to a store, give someone some money ...