galaxy gear 2

三星第二代智能手錶Galaxy Gear 2/Neo曝光_新聞_鉅亨網看起來...好不像能吃的樣子@@ 新浪手機訊 北京時間2月23日上午消息,爆料達人evleaks給出了三星第二代智能手錶的照片,稱第二代Galaxy Gear有兩個版本:Galaxy Gear 2與Galaxy Gear 2 Neo,類似Note 3的做法。兩者在外觀上較一代有很大變化,增加了實體Home鍵。不同之...


Samsung Gear 2 review: much improved, but that doesn't mean you should buy it好痛阿~!!! If you've used the Galaxy Gear, and someone gave you a Gear 2, there's nothing in the UI to suggest something new is running under the hood. The font, icons and menus are almost identical to the Android edition. This means it's still a pretty basic, homem...


三星GALAXY Gear智慧手錶發佈 | Daily Jetso 著數網這是甚麼意思!? 一站式生活消費娛樂雜誌,最新優惠情報包括:購物、飲食、超市/便利店、美容化妝、銀行/信用卡、旅遊/活動。 ... 三星在德國柏林GALAXY Note 3發表會上,同時揭露了GALAXY Gear智慧型手錶,不只可搭配GALAXY Note 3使用,同時也支援GALAXY Note 10.1 ......
