Samsung's Galaxy Gear smartwatch coming Sept. 25 - Sep. 4, 2013isCar! Porsche(保時捷)二代Cayenne從2010發表至今已餘5年,已經是準備邁入大改更新的末期產品。新世代Cayenne預計在2017年發表,並以福斯集團最新的MLB Evo模組化底盤平台來打造(已用於打造奧迪Q7),車重最多將比現行車款還少上100kg,把全車淨重壓在1950kgForget boring old phones and tablets. Smartwatches are the hottest trend in tech, and Samsung is jumping into the market with the new Galaxy Gear. The $299 Gear watch is not a phone. Instead, it links up with Samsung's Galaxy smartphones and tablets to le...