galaxy note 3 spec

Galaxy Note III最新資料 | Daily Jetso 著數網這女子的膽子大了點吧!      1 、2Samsung 新一代超大電話 Galaxy Note III 將會在大約大個月後發佈, 之前已經有部分規格流出,包括 1,300 萬像相機鏡頭、Snapdragon 800 2.3GHz 四核處理器和另一個版本的 Exynos 5 Octa 5410 處理器。今天就有消息指 Galaxy Note III 將會配備 3,450mAh ......


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo vs Note 2: Spec Comparison 一人中午睡覺把MSN自動回復設成了“然後呢?”,結果有位同學和狗狗聊了一中午…… Samsung introduced the successor to its largely popular Note 2, the Galaxy Note 3, on the 4th of September 2013. The Note 3 was a beast of a phone, both in terms of size, and specs; and so was its price, at $700, without a contract. Fast-forward a few mon...


Galaxy S5 vs Galaxy Note 3 | Spec Comparison | Digital Trends 理想生活跟現實生活的差距 Samsung finally unveiled the anticipated Galaxy S5 , but how does the new phone stack up against the Galaxy Note 3? Check out our spec showdown to find out. ... Mobile World Congress 2014 is over, but as the next incarnation of the company’s flagship ......


Galaxy Note LTE 實機流出搶先睇! | Daily Jetso 著數網一站式生活消費娛樂雜誌,最新優惠情報包括:購物、飲食、超市/便利店、美容化妝、銀行/信用卡、旅游/活動。 ... Galaxy Note 在香港已有不少的支持者,不過早前 Galaxy Note 宣佈推出 LTE 版本時,有些用家就後悔太早買了。...
