Samsung Galaxy S5 Release date | Galaxy S5 亞洲的國會亂象,時常登上國際新聞版面,包括台灣、韓國以及日本等,都常看到上演全武行來抗議的激烈舉動,而瑞典的女議員 Jenny Wenhammar 則是相當不同阿,以裸體的方式來抗議許多不合理的事件,藉以爭取曝光,不過這種抗議方式,也被所屬綠黨取消國會大選資格,相信又會再引起波瀾,上演抗Samsung Galaxy S5 Release Date - Samsung Galaxy S5 was in rumors ever since Galaxy S4 was released .People were more interested in knowing how the next S.. ... Since last time HTC One gain more popularity than the Galaxy S4 ,Samsung would take into ......