「只要先學去愛,了解包容彼此!」 基督徒的唐振剛面對婚姻平權議題,他直呼「這句話」...
Root Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (All Models) | DroidViews同志議題最近成了沸沸揚揚的焦點,讓台灣的同志運動躍昇國際能見度。十多年來,周美玲導演善於以影視來為同志抒情,自充滿詩意的《私角落》紀錄片開始,繼拍攝同志三部曲《豔光四射歌舞團》、《刺青》、《漂浪青春》後,2016年再次籌備了【六城彩虹】同志影像推動計畫,預計以兩年的時間攝製六部電視電影訴求同志平權。The Galaxy Tab 2 tablet devices are the successor to Samsung’s first generation of tablets. The Tab is is available in 7.0-inch and 10.1-inch screen sizes. Even within these two variants, there are 3 more variants of the each screen size on the basis of n...