Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲男子準備開箱。(source:sohu,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 誰說泰國窮,1.9億泰銖,近4000萬人民幣法拉利俱樂部會長弄了台拉法,不偷稅不漏稅,泰國僅此一台,等了一年多終於來了。 箱子裡面就是拉法,靜靜等待開箱。 下面就是見證奇迹的時刻了,十分讓人期待。 The Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 is an 8.5-inch Android-based tablet computer produced and marketed by Samsung Electronics. It belongs to the new ultra high-end "S" line of the cross between the Samsung Galaxy Tab and Samsung Galaxy S series, which also ......