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Parliamo Scots? Descriptive Adjectives - Rampant Scotland Directory 由青山裕企所推出的日本妄攝寫真集《SCHOOLGIRL COMPLEX》可說是驚天之作 這本寫真的特色就是完全沒有拍到臉~但是把女子高中生的身體姿態表現了出來 不是就是會有人去注意女孩子的某個部位一樣嗎! 這本寫真集的攝影焦點正是如此~Parliamo Scots? An Introduction to the Scots Language - Descriptive Adjectives ... - Descriptive Adjectives Here are some braw words! "Braw" - If something is "braw" it is excellent, as in the well worn music hall phrase "It's a braw, bricht, moonlicht ni...


Kempt - world of men's style / fashion / grooming 萬惡的馬賽克 你真的太邪惡了!The Backstory: Gallus, a Swiss expat, credited his combat and romantic experiences as a World War I Italian Army ambulance corps lieutenant with shaping his eminently versatile style. His dalliances with poetry and art accounted for his fondness for (and ...
