A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1): George R.R. Martin: 9780553593716: Amazon.com: B 從一個被妓女遺棄的孩子, 到成為一名頂尖的藝術家, 她是一個不可複製的傳奇。 麗塔·卡貝魯特 夜幕降臨,車水馬龍, 香港各界的名流人士匯聚於此。 他們長途跋涉,只為親眼一睹, 這位歐洲女性Readers of epic fantasy series are: (1) patient--they are left in suspense between each volume, (2) persistent--they reread or at least review the previous book(s) when a new installment comes out, (3) strong--these 700-page doorstoppers are heavy , and (...