New Games, Newest Games - GameSpot紐約將建世界最高摩天輪,計劃約為自由女神像的兩倍高。紐約市市長佈隆伯格公開表示,這座位於斯坦頓島的觀光景點將耗資2億3千萬美元,計劃中的摩天輪將達到625英尺,約為190米。這座紐約摩天輪將超過443英尺(135米)的倫敦之眼摩天輪以及541英尺(165米)的新加坡飛行者摩天輪,置身其中中可以俯瞰整It's a celebration day in the kingdom! The party has already started and every villager has the chance to eat the marvellous cake made from the fruit of the ancient ... ... The Falling Sun is a new horror game set in a time and place rarely visited by gam...