game ui inspiration

UltraUI | UI Design Inspiration 圖翻攝自youtube 下同 在棒球比賽中,跑者和投手的相互牽制干擾非常常見,不過在大聯盟的一場比賽中,王建民因識破跑者的意圖,及早在對方動作前搶先牽制,沒想到這個舉動竟讓老外選手當場亂了陣腳,連滾帶爬的回到壘包上,而這一幕也被粉絲們在網路上瘋傳著~   外國選手狼狽爬回壘包! 結果還非A photo-blog showcasing the best and most beautiful UI designs, screenshots and examples. ... Featured: Screenshotter for iPhone Screenshotter for iPhone is a simple app for collecting, organising and sharing screenshots across devices....


25 Amazing JavaScript Games (Some Fun And Inspiration)     原來有很多不知不覺、有意無意釋放出來的訊息,都可能有特殊的意義!你也懂另一半放出來的訊息意義嗎?   ---------------------------------------------------------- 以下轉載自批踢踢:   昨晚老JavaScript, with the rise of Ajax, is definitely a must-know-well for every web designer/developer. Besides form controls, alerts & similar simple JavaScript usage, you ... knuts December 19th, 2008 at 8:19 pm Great list ! I have written an AJAX/CSS brows...


Evolution of Video Games User Interface (UI) - Hongkiat 圖翻攝自youtube 下同 國外一名12歲男孩,每次洗澡時都會跟著節奏起舞,邊沐浴邊想像自己正站在滿是人群的舞池當中,但超級尷尬的瞬間即將在下一秒就要發生了....   由於他洗澡的時間實在太長了,有一天家人決定偷看他洗澡的狀況,結果這整個情況都被手機拍攝下來!!當小男生回頭的那一瞬間The world had seen the emergence of technologies such as 3D graphics and motion sensors which allow for new game genres and UI to come to be. Today, we shall bring you through the development of UI and how it has changed over the years and we are going to...


18 Great Examples of Sketched UI Wireframes and Mockups | Inspiration (翻攝自Dcard) 一直都有一句話:「男追女,隔層山;女追男,隔層紗。」 倒不是因為字面上的意思代表著女追男比較容易成功, 所以鼓勵各位姊姊妹妹站起來勇於求愛, 而是在這個年代的女孩子,已經不是被動地等著男人來追求了。  也許是時代變遷吧! 如今的女孩子再也不能以過去「女子無才便是德」Whether you're designing a user interface for a website or an iPhone app, it's always a good idea to start with a wireframe. It can be a big time saver if...


ui design | Abduzeedo Design Inspiration 三立、八大台灣好戲「白鷺鷥的願望」,首映記者會女星感動哭花美妝,韓宜邦和趙駿亞劇中把妹有術,現場則自爆戲外把妹糗事,一個載人耍帥不成「犁田」打滾,一個被對方回敬白眼吐槽。 三立、八大台灣好戲「白鷺鷥的願望」今(5日)晚首播,該劇由葉鳳英編劇,故事從民國七十年代,南部「永旺蜜餞行」的陳家兩姐妹瓊美(Territory, a studio located in London, has been the responsible for something in the latest Marvel Studios' movies that most of the public won't appreciate that much, but for us, as designers, it's a big part of these movies: UI Design......


iOS / Mac UI and Icon Design Inspirations Gallery日前Selina為好友阿Ken的網路節目「K到大明星」友情站台,笑果十足!而阿KEN也情義相挺上年代MUCH「別讓身體不開心」談整形潮,阿Ken表示:「可以接受整形女友,只要女友開心就OK。」 但單身的他卻哀怨地說「找不到soulmate(靈魂伴侶)」,好友Selina不禁吐槽:「你知道甚麼人找不到 is a showcase gallery featuring the best iOS / mac OSX App and Icon designs to help you finding iOS / Mac app design inspiration. ... Get App design inspirations from well crafted App UI / Icon designs or you want to show off too?...
