F1 2014 - GameSpot - Video Games Reviews & News - GameSp ...isCar! 某一天的下午,大華在路口停等紅綠燈時,行動電話在口袋中震動,他拿出一看,發現是朋友傳line給他。他爾後將車子停妥在道路旁的黃線上,車子沒熄火,直接拿起手機,用line與朋友聊天。過沒多久,一名警察經過,看到大華正在用手機,認為大華在行駛機車於道路時,以手持方式使用行動電話,對大華開了F1 2014 does little different to last year's game, but fans will dig the great handling and new season of cars. The GameSpot crew gets their hands on some of the latest titles - F1 2014, Sunset Overdrive, Legend of Korra and Just Dance 2015! We'll play an...