Gaming - Las Vegas Sun News 圖片來源 真是天下之大無奇不有啊,以前只在聊齋、武俠小說中可以見到的**駐養之術,居然在現實中上演了! 5月24日,在四川雅安一名女子因25歲丈夫被醫院診斷為性功能完全喪失而向當地請求離婚,目前正在調解中。據悉,二人結婚剛滿一百天。 女子姓胡,30歲,以前Las Vegas still wrestling with rules for tavern gaming July 1, 2015 By Conor Shine The Las Vegas City Council decided today to tackle a technically complicated and politically charged issue that has vexed state and local officials in Nevada for years — ho...