LUXGEN 全新跨界 SUV,預計年底在台搶先上市!
Razer Blade 14": The World's Thinnest Gaming Laptop - Razer United StatesLuxgen在 2017上海車展首度發表全新跨界休旅車款,官方雖尚未替這款 SUV概念車命名,據悉定位於 U6 車系中,年底將在台灣以U5之名發表。外觀上,從車頭的造型可推敲是以S3架構作為基礎,頭燈組的尾端設計延長至車身,車尾部分則呈現時下流行的類Coupe造型,並使用了金屬字Designed from the ground up, the 14-inch Razer Blade gaming laptop is designed and engineered to fit both form and function. With a 0.66-in. ultra-thin profile, crafted from aluminum, and the best gaming performance in its class, the Razer Blade sets a ne...