Karolina Kurkova
GApps 4.2.2 for CM 10.1: Get gapps-jb-20130812-signed.zip - DonAndroid 生日:1984/02/28 (嗚哇差一點就要四年過一次生日了) 身高:180cm 其他:金髮、綠眼 雖然model們走伸展台的時候大多不苟言笑 (呃...Victoria's Secret那個不算) 可是我個人真的很喜歡那種笑起來很燦爛很陽光的model 老實講我一開始注意到KK是因為她GApps for CM 10.1 ROM has been updated. This is still GApps 4.2.2 package and not the one for 4.3. The update GApps 20130812 includes some updated Google Apps. For example, the Google Play Store app has been updated to version 4.3.10. There are other ......