Dev-Host - gapps-jb-20120726-signed.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service 今天的文章是一則好玩的心理測驗。請各位發揮想像力,一起融入以下的情境♪ 從對於送錯餐點的反應看出感情的忠誠度!!從哪裡看出來呢?別著急,請詳讀以下情境 ■餐廳用餐情境■ 今天妳和另一伴來到餐廳用餐。 各自都點好餐點,一邊聊天一邊等待餐點送上來。等了一陣子後…… 店員終於Dev-Host is the #1 free file hosting and file sharing service to store and share your file(s) online. We offer storage sizes and rentention rates that can't be beat. Whether your a business, developer/programmer, professional, or individual; we can accomm...