Custom Motorcycles for Sale with Custom Paint, Seats and Parts俗話說,「三百六十行,行行出狀元」。有時候,就算你沒有崇高的職業追求,要是不具備一定的素養,很有可能像下面這個紐西蘭小偷一樣,險些付出生命的代價…… 這件事發生在奧克蘭東邊St Heliers 灣的一家小馬俱樂部,這裡有圍場、跳躍競技場、騎馬場、越野賽道等等Custom Motorcycles for Sale with Custom Paint, Seats and Parts by private owners. Custom motorcycle classfieds. ... Getting to see and admire the custom paint jobs on motorcycles that come through our accessory and paint shop is one of the perks of my job...