Garmin GLO™ Lets You Navigate with Your iPad® mini Wi-Fi » Garmin Blog 笑話不嫌多 § 知不知道我是誰有一天~一位想訂機票的客戶很不滿女服務員的態度,於是客戶打電話去給該航空公司的總經理室抱怨 ~~~客戶:總經理啊!你不知道你們的服務員態度很差ㄟ!總經理:應該不會吧!客戶:不然,你自己假裝是客戶,打電話去不就知道了。果然,那服務員態度真的很差,所以總經理生氣One of the things that were popular with the crowd at Macworld/iWorld in San Francisco last week was our Garmin GLO GPS receiver. Both the iPad mini Wi-Fi and iPod Touch don't have a GPS receiver built in, so by pairing these devices with Garmin GLO via ....