FORD以輕量化與客製化的目標 測試大型零件3D列印技術
Garmin Zumo 550 - Garmin GPS, RAM Mounts, Lowrance GPS at GPS City Ford成為第一家以3D列印公司Stratasys生產的Infinite Build 3D列印機測試製造汽車零件的汽車製造商。目前正在研究如何以3D列印技術製成如汽車擾流板等大型單一汽車零組件,以供原型設計和未來量產車款使用。Stratasys的Infinite Build 系統可列Rated 4.3/5. Low prices, reviews, videos and more for the Garmin Zumo 550, a Garmin Motorcycle GPS item. ... I have owned the Zumo 550 for 6 years,happy with it in general.cost me enough back then ~$850 .But last year it failed,performed all thr following...