gartner hype cycle 2012 pdf

Hype Cycle Research Methodology | Gartner Inc.地球驚現未知合體生物(10P) Gartner's Hype Cycle methodology provides a graphical view of the maturity, adoption and business application of specific technologies. Using a Hype Cycle can help to determine when technologies have moved beyond the hype, begin offering practical benefit...


Gartner 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies | Joe Murphy – Librarian, Innovator法國舉行的漁夫障礙賽                        The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Tech assesses the maturity, expectations, and realistic outlook for up and coming technology areas. Techs covered across this year’s Hype Cycle spectrum range from crowd sourcing to social analytics to NFC payments to ....


Gartner Hype Cycle for CRM Sales, 2012: Sales Turns to the Cloud for Quick Relief - Forbes現在去美國!動不動就被 摸光光&看光光            I'm serving as Vice President, Marketing at iBASEt. Previous positions include product marketing at Plex Systems, senior analyst at AMR Research (now Gartner), marketing and business development at Cincom Systems, Ingram Micro, a SaaS start-up and at ......


Gartner’s Software Hype Cycles for 2012聖誕老人的秘密生活                            In a series of reports, Gartner has evaluated the maturity, adoption and future direction of more than 1,900 technologies and trends for 2012. The technologies are viewed from the perspective of the hype cycle consisting of the following five phases: Tech...


Gartner Releases Their Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing, 2012 | A Passion for Research  下一秒會發生什麼事 誰也不知道!                     還好人彈出來了!        Louis – great blog post on Gartner’s 2012 Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing. May I run this – with proper credit to you and your blog – on the Cloud Council of 7 ( website with a link to your blog? — Carole...


Gartner Webinars | Gartner Inc.難得的相似 這還真是湊巧      Gartner's weekly webinar series highlights critical IT initiatives, while allowing you to engage directly with a Gartner analyst. Quickly learn more about these important topics — plus tactical advice that can impact your top initiatives....
