Gartner Publishes 2014 Magic Quadrant for SIEM and Critical Capabilities for SIEM Reports男人靠什麼吸引女人?丈夫的引力何在?在妻子的心目中,什麼樣的丈夫能讓妻子傾心、追隨,為了愛,能使女人捨棄生命?看了一些資料,歸納起來總共有十大要點: 一、真實 實話最好說,不假思索,怎麼表達都是真的;謊話最難講,怎麼編也編不嚴實,不小心就說漏了。故意做作也是很難的,怎麼做也不像真事兒。See who's the leader in the 2014 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Critical Capabilities for SIEM reports. ... Who Is the Leader in Gartner’s 2014 Magic Quadrant for SIEM? Great news as winter has once again ....