gba sp ags101

GBA sp [AGS-101] vs. GBA sp [AGS-001] vs. Nintendo DSi - YouTube   嗯...?好像哪裡怪怪的 how bright can get a screen of the GBA? how much quality and sharpness have the new "backlight" screen ......


LowResContemplation: The GBA SP AGS-101 is the best Game Boy. 「ㄟ 奇怪耶你!現在幾點了?你自己看看時間」   你常常看著手錶的時間一分一秒過去,心裡感覺焦慮嗎?到底是那些人每天跟時間追趕跑跳碰,覺得時間永遠不夠用,甚至覺得自己似乎就是天生「時間觀念」薄弱,到底戴著「手錶」是否等於帶著「準時」的觀念?波仕特線上市調網(http://www.pollThe GBA SP AGS-101 is the best Game Boy of the entire range. Why? It's the only system to play all Game B ......
