gcc sleep include

AVR-GCC-Tutorial – Mikrocontroller.net文科女生一回頭,傾倒整個男生樓。理科女生一回頭,宿舍男生全跳樓。文科女生二回頭,路上汽車亂碰頭。理科女生二回頭,不愛美女愛猿猴。文科女生三回頭,天上牛郎翻地球。理科女生三回頭,嚇死田裡兩頭牛。文科女生全回頭,泰坦尼克繼續遊。理科女生全回頭,人類發展到盡頭。   (內容僅供娛樂)  In dieser Zeile wird eine sogenannte Header-Datei eingebunden. In avr/io.h sind die Registernamen definiert, die im späteren Verlauf genutzt werden. Auch unter Windows wird ein / zur Kennzeichnung von Unterverzeichnissen in Include-Dateinamen verwendet un...


General Certificate of Conformity (GCC) | CPSC.gov我學熊貓爬樹啦~Please note: Information in the shaded blue boxes is provided to you as an example of what a business would include on its product's certificate. Your business (if it is a manufacturer or importer) is legally responsible for issuing the certificate. Note ...


sleep function - C Board切勿模仿!Hi, Why would gcc return, "warning: implicit declaration of function 'sleep'" ? I do have time.h included. Thanks for your help ... As cpjust says, I would like to understand why you want to sleep, and yet you do not want to include the correct header-fil...


C語言中的Sleep函數 - 菡萏銷 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET老闆,魚怎麼賣咧!Sleep函數: 功 能: 執行掛起一段時間 用 法: unsigned sleep(unsigned seconds); 註意: 在VC中使用帶上頭文件#include ,在Linux下,gcc編譯器中,使用的頭文件因gcc版本的不同而不同#include 在VC中,Sleep中的第一個英文字元為 ......


sleep function in Windows, using C - Stack Overflow我一定要帶這個安全帽嗎?!#include Sleep( sometime_in_millisecs ); // note uppercase S This is the first result when googling for "msdn sleep", which I think you could have managed yourself. And here's a small example that compiles with MinGW and does what it says on the ......


Serial Peripheral interface-SPI of AVR microcontrollers | WinAVR AVR-GCC Tutorial秋田組組長 柏村 「 夜露死苦 」!!This is high speed synchronous data transfer between microcontrollers or other peripheral devices. AVR SPI interface: uses three wires for synchronous data transfer; can operate as Master or Slave; allow LSB or MSB first bit transfer; support multiple bit...
