余文樂自創品牌找來水原希子合作 擴展潮流事業,以台灣優先考量的原因好有心!
Auvil Fruit Company, Inc Gee Whiz Fruit - Washington State's Finest Apples and Cherries - Grown in O跨海來台展店 再掀「余式」潮流味 許久沒跟台灣影迷朋友見面的余文樂,帶著自創品牌MADNESS進軍台灣,並選擇在華山1914文化創意產業園區,開設短期的POP-UP STORE。一派輕鬆的他穿著自己品牌服飾,以白色TEE搭配一條軍裝迷彩褲,接受《MILK 潮流誌》封面人物專訪,開心的與大家GOOD TASTE SAYS IT ALL Since 1928, Auvil Fruit Company has been committed to growing delicious fruit for people to enjoy. Our philosophy is to strive for customer and consumer satisfaction, while maintaining the highest level of quality in the industry. T...