Gee-whiz | Define Gee-whiz at Dictionary.com 根本就是網站編輯人員故意的吧XD Even the forbidding chairs are form-fitting and inexplicably comfortable, and the waiters are full of gee-whiz enthusiasm. It's a ponderous, toned-down golly-gee-whiz performance. The new findings might prove to be more than a simple gee-whiz figure. It r...
gee whiz是啥意思? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 看外型就覺得很強!!!有一首歌的歌詞內容有一個地方我不知道是啥意思gee whiz 是什麼意思? ... 你說的這首歌應該是All I have to do is dream. 前一位回答者已經回答的很好了,「哇塞!」的翻譯也很傳神。...
Auvil Fruit Company, Inc Gee Whiz Fruit - Washington State's Finest Apples and Cherries - Grown in O 那甜椒也太恐怖了吧...GEE WHIZ FRUIT Apples Cherries ABOUT AFC Our History Gee Whiz Label Photos From The Past AUVIL FARMS Orchards Packing Facility Innovations Sustainability OUR FRIENDS CONTACT GOOD TASTE SAYS IT ALL Since 1928, Auvil Fruit Company ......
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