geek nerd synonyms

Geek Synonyms, Geek Antonyms |●全新家族水箱罩和保桿造型●更具照明科技的LED頭燈●九速9G-Tronic變速箱導入●國外售價 尚未公佈●國外上市時間 2014/06 前不久我們才看到M.Benz CLS的小改款原型車在德國當地秘密測試,事隔不到一季的時間內,M.Benz於6月18日在官網上釋出新年式CLS的消息稿及官方廠照,並Synonyms for geek at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. ... geek "sideshow freak," 1916, U.S. carnival and circus slang, perhaps a variant of geck "a fool, dupe, simpleton" (1515), apparent...


Nerd Synonyms, Nerd Antonyms | Thesaurus.comSkoda Octavia Scout於今年日內瓦車展登場亮相,原廠則於日前公布該車於八月份進入市場販售。Octavia Scout整體架構是以Octavia Combi為基礎所打造的跨界車款,既然為跨界車款,因此Octavia Scout的171mm底盤離地高度則較一般車款來得較高,而車身所配置的They are the refuge and the delight of every geek, nerd, lab and library rat. It doesn't even have anything to do with whether you're a bookworm or a nerd or a geek. He likes to call himself “one tough nerd”. It was probably the most pivotal day of my lif...


dork / geek / nerd | WordReference Forums汽車交通事故往往都是因為駕駛不小心導致, 但是有時候發生之後才會知道怎會這麼誇張離奇, 路上三寶何其多,所以不管你怎樣都一定要專心小心才行啦~ 雖然照片都很有趣,但是也希望事發的同時大家都沒事平安才好, 下次開車真的要注意一點,如果你是受害者那如果人都沒事,事後也得到該有的補償, 那應該慶幸還有一張Fetchez, This is for you. I may have quoted the wrong words (from a Frenchman), but I have no doubt as to the meaning of these words in English since they originated in the United States. The words nerd, geek, dork, dweeb, etc. are first of all insults us...


Nerd Synonyms, Nerd Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus新世代造型設計 全新的C-Class代表著與過去完全不同的設計理念,車身表面充滿情感的曲面與幾何設計呈現出個性與力量感,同時也融合了高科技的風味與時尚感。根據M.Benz設計部門副總Gorden Wagener表示:「全新一代C-Class的設計目標是充滿情感而純粹的設計,並且要融合先進科技與現代奢Synonyms and Antonyms of NERD 1 a person slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits Synonyms bookworm, dink [slang], dork [slang], geek, grind, swot [British], weenie, wonk ......


Are 'geek' and 'nerd' now positive terms? - BBC News⊙運動化四門跑房車⊙純電力時代來臨⊙綠能超跑的魅力⊙國內售價 4 Series Gran Coupe:216/276/343萬元⊙國內上市日期 2014/06近期BMW在國內車市的動作不斷,自2014年式X1之後,緊接著全新M3 Sedan與M4 Coupe,再來是4 Series Gran CouGeeks The OED suggests the term may have originated in the north of England. In the US, "geek" was first used in the early 1900s to refer to a carnival performer. At roughly the same time, it became a general synonym of "fool". By the 1950s, "geek" starte...


nerd - English-Spanish Dictionary -●讓人迷戀的概念車般外貌●挑戰NSX-R的北賽道成績●最高可達320hp●國外上市日期 2014年Q3孩提時期,喜愛無敵鐵金剛的人心中總會再多隻大魔神,當初原型機的兜甲兒被打掛之際,火速趕到的大魔神簡直是兒童心目中救世主和前衛形象的化身。到我們稍微長大以後,只買得起K6到K8 Civic的我們,就好nerd - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions ... Principal Translations nerd n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (computers) (voz inglesa) nerd n común nombre común en cuanto al género: Sustantivo que tiene una sol...
