打錯字真的超悲劇的 本以為有機會戀愛了...
Glock Value Question: gen1 vs gen2 vs gen3 vs gen4 - THR打錯字真的超悲劇的!!本以為有機會戀愛了... 本來想要機會來了立個戀愛旗標結果因為打錯字…. 死亡flag豎立…只好再繼續努力了= = 打錯字有時真的尷尬啦XDD來看看這些大誤會! ▼(☞゚∀゚)゚∀゚)☞你這小蝦There are a couple of local adds for older Glocks, namely a G22 gen 2 LE trade-in with 2 mags for $400, and a G17 with no finger grooves (doesnt say if it's gen 1 or 2 ... If you enjoyed reading about "Glock Value Question: gen1 vs gen2 vs gen3 vs gen4" h...