Gender Equality in Hong Kong, China | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) 牛郎和織女每年僅有農曆七月七日才相見一次,如此神話的遠距離戀愛模式若是放在實際生活中,卻有可能因為彼此聚少離多而感情變淡,或生活環境不同逐漸有不同的價值觀,因此容易引發衝突或意見分歧等不歡而散的結局。而國人談過遠距離戀愛的狀況究竟如何及維繫這樣遠距離情感是否容易? PollAnalysis and statistics about gender equality in Hong Kong, China , by the OECD Development Centre. Hong Kong, China ranks as number 20 of 102 countries. ... There is limited data available in terms of women’s ownership of land and non-land assets. The la...