Sonic Scores | Software for Inspired Musicians 有時,已經習慣的,你就會覺得他會一直在你身邊。 可是,有沒有可能,他也早就習慣你了? 有時,心淡了,你就會覺得他的存在是可有可無。 可是,有沒有可能,他也早就對你心淡了? 常在想兩個人可以相識,相知,相愛,是需要多少的運氣。 可是,好像大家都會常遇上錯的人,或是,在錯的時間遇上對的人The extensive features of Overture are great, but some people don’t really need all of its advanced features. This is where Score Writer comes in. Score Writer features the same notation engine and user interface as Overture, but has a slimmed down featur...