well - definition of well by The Free Dictionary神煩的大門幫你趕走不速之客! 芝麻不開門爆笑短片(中文字幕由哈哈台全球爆笑彈翻譯) 大家一定都遇過推銷員或是傳教士前來敲門的經驗,若一開門就沒完沒了,到時後悔也來不及了!有了這個大門從此問題解決,不用害怕拒人於千里之外!而且被這個神煩的大門嚇走後,門口竟然還有一個更厲害的,把經過的人嚇得人仰馬翻,這well 1 (wĕl) n. 1. A deep hole or shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water, oil, gas, or brine. 2. A container or reservoir for a liquid, such as ink. 3. a. A place where water issues from the earth; a spring or fountain. b. A mineral spring. c. wells A ...